Who is the Parent Program for?
I want to live a better, more fulfilling life understanding myself and my children better.
When we have children, our focus becomes all about our precious little children and it is very easy to forget about our wants and needs.
The parent program is all about unlocking your purpose, what you’re passionate about and what you really want to achieve personally and professionally.
You will regain confidence, enhance your self image, and become the very best version of yourselves.
As a parent when you learn to understand your own mindset and why you think and behave as you do, it’s amazing how you start to understand your children and the effects our behaviours can have on them. If you have limitations yourself, you are likely creating that belief in your children, and this 6 month program allows you to completely understand your mindset and your children’s whilst re finding your purpose and drive at the same time.
Through our program you will be coached and mentored by Fiona herself, who has created an entrepreneurial empire of multiple businesses and has proven the blueprint for success over and over again.
The best part is, she did all this whilst raising two wonderful girls that now live with an open mind and a desire to follow in their mothers footsteps of success and happiness.
You will learn how to set real goals, how to think and behave like you are already achieving it and start to make decisions about your life like you have already achieved you goal.
By uplifting your energy, increasing your positivity you will start to attract incredible things into your life through the laws of attraction and what you need to achieve your goals will start to come your way through your positive thinking and action taking.
What you will get on this journey
Guidance to keep you accountable with Fiona Yue who has achieved turning over multimillion dollars across multiple businesses. Fiona is living her dream life and she can help you get there too.
You will be given clear actionable steps to get you from where you are now to where you want your life to be. We will show you exactly HOW to reach your goal and be successful.
You will have the ability to take control of your own destiny. You will be shown what to think, what to do and more importantly, the how, to really put it into action and make it happen.
“I highly recommend this proram created by Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher and facilitated by Fiona Yue to anyone interested in growing personally or growing their business. If you are willing to commit at least 12 weeks to changing your life, you will literally be astounded by what you accomplish. This program is not the typical motivational hype that comes around every year or two. This program is the result of Bob Proctor's lifetime quest to learn more about the mind. Until we understand how our mind operates and we take the time to really think about our future, things will never change. Using the principles of this program I have accomplished goals that I wouldn't have dreamed possible prior to the for this program and be prepared for a life altering experience!”
– D. Vick, Broker/Owner
“I am halfway through an incredible transformation program by Fiona Yue at PGY Consultants. Even at the halfway point, I can't do justice to the power of this program and the clarity I am gaining on what is possible for me personally and professionally”
- A. McGrath- CEO & Parent
Email: admin@pgyconsultants.com.au
Addr: L8, 99 St Georges Terrace, WA 6000