The Mindful Leader Project Masterclass

Are you ready for your business to sky rocket and grow more than you had ever imagined?

We will teach you the scientifically proven blue print to do exactly that and then give you the Leader skills you need to really thrive. Attract your ideal clients, increase your revenue and do it all by working less and working smarter....

The simple truth….

  • Wondering why you're still not hitting your business goals?
  • Do you feel like you have plateaued?
  • Are you working harder and harder and getting the same results?
  • Do you feel stuck not sure which direction to go in?
  • Do you feel you're not earning what I feel I am capable of earning?
  • Do you feel you're lacking in skills as a Leader?

The answer is really quite simple.

You are not ready to receive what you want.

The reason you're not reaching your goals and diving into financial freedom with an incredible team behind you, allowing you to have a great life balance has nothing to do with:

The time and effort you put in

  • The amount you have spent on marketing
  • Some secret to scale quickly

The real reason you're not hitting your Goals is because your Mindset is preventing you from doing so and you don't have the Leader skills you need to perform to a high standard.

The sad thing is, most people don't realise the power of our mindset, and most people don't know how to Lead.

95% of our success is down to our mindset, and 5% is strategy- in this workshop you are going to learn BOTH. So not succeeding in what you want to achieve really should be removed as an option- as you will be given the tools to get exactly where you want to be!

Most people just carry on going through life happy being comfortable and not really wanting to do much more than what they have. They are content being average.


You do not have a business, you did not become a leader, a coach, a CEO or whatever position you sit in to be average...

You want more.

I'm sure you have tried reading the best book to scale your business, you have attended a 2 day workshop on Leadership and tried all the things you think you need to be successful in what you do.

But nothing has worked?

Short term training has little to no implications on our growth and success.

What you need is exactly what we deliver at PGY Consultants and Cognito and it will be presented to you in the Mindful Leader Project Masterclass.

Explosive growth doesn't happen to Leaders and entrepreneurs who

  • Worry what people think
  • Second guess themselves
  • Struggle to make quick/ clear decisions
  • Delay taking action on things they need
  • Have everything planned out before they take action
  • Think about where they are rather than where they are going
  • Have basic Leader skills and fumble their way through without strategy or understanding.

If you want to make a change and attract more clients and money into your business your mind should be focused on:

  • What your life will look like for you and your family
  • How you effortlessly bring more business into your organisation
  • What you're grateful for now and in your future.
  • How you can lift up others to Lead effectively themselves.

It's these subtle shifts in your mindset and in the way you Lead that will really help to bridge the gap between your goals and will help you to focus on how your purpose aligns with what really matters to you.

You see….

You are responsible for all the outcomes in your own life.

The way you think has a direct reflection on your results so if you want to make some big changes and see some big results- you need to start with how you think.

So if you're ready to stop struggling through your business and life- make a quick decision and change your results.

  • Start attracting your ideal clients.
  • Start really leading yourself and others.
  • Start focusing on Prosperity and abundance rather than scarcity.
  • Start working smarter rather than harder
  • Start making the money you really want to be making.

Fiona, the founder of PGY Consultants has an incredible story and I am sure you will be able to resonate with a number of parts....

Fiona grew up in a rural town in Mongolia in China. She grew up with no electricity, no running water, no indoor toilet. She rarely washed, never cleaned her teeth, her mum was illiterate, and her dad left school when he was 6.

Fiona had the opportunity to come to Perth in Australia when she was around 20 to study an MBA.

She jumped at the chance and landed in Perth (having never been on a plane before) to a world that was completely foreign to her.

Fast forward 20+ years and Fiona is a self-made millionaire, turning over $200 million across her businesses.

But it wasn’t easy!

Fiona was working long hours, 7 days a week, feeling constantly stressed, overwhelmed and like she just wasn’t getting anywhere despite how much effort she was putting in.

She read all the self-help books, did a number of short courses but nothing seemed to work.

She eventually came across Bob Proctor and studied with him directly- changing her life from night to day.

Her mindset had been her problem all along. Being raised in poverty, she had strong paradigms around money and what she felt she was worth. She was lacking in confidence and self esteem as a migrant in another country.

As she worked through making changes in those areas, she started to visualise who she wanted to be and what she wanted to have. She started making some BIG GOALS. She could hardly believe the difference. Her business skyrocketed, she started attracting all the things she needed to help them to grow and she was working less hours than ever before.

Having found such success in her own life and across her own businesses, Fiona set up PGY consultants to prevent as many people as possible from going through the struggles she did within her businesses

Whatever you are going through and wherever you are at, we can guarantee that Fiona would have been there. She can relate to all challenges that are being faced.

Having studied an MBA thinking that would help her to be the businesswomen she dreamt about, Fiona would study Mindset and Leadership over and over again. It is the real recipe for success.

Brad Raynor from Cognito...

Has been putting out fires across schools and businesses for over 30 years.

When it comes to how to Lead effectively, create a sense of belonging and deal with some of the most problematic issues that arise in business, Brad is the lead person in the business' that will provide you with the skills you need.

There are schools and businesses that simply would not still be functioning without Brads input, help and support.

How many coaches and mentors are there out there that have actually proven the success of what they teach across their own businesses..... Not many.... But with PGY Consultants and Cognito you will see first hand how WE have implemented exactly what we teach to be successful ourselves.

We now both businesses all over the world to unlock their thinking and live the lifestyle they deserve.

As a client you will:

  • You will get all the tools you need to shift the mindset that is keeping you stuck and preventing you from reaching your goals.
  • You will learn all the skills you need to be a effective impactful Leader

We will help you to find the barriers that are holding you back and we will show you exactly how to overcome them in order to move forward. Without this- you will stay where you are and continue in the same cycle that you are currently in. Once you understand how to do this, we will provide you with the skills you need to be a highly engaging, effective leader. You are not able to implement new behaviours and ways of thinking until you understand your mindset. when you have both of these skills together- you will seriously be unstoppable.

You will be guided by Fiona who has made around $200 million from her businesses. Not only will we be changing your mindset you will also learn from a self made millionaire and a highly successful entrepreneur.

You will be upskilled by Brad one of the most sought after Leadership mentors in WA, who knows exactly what it takes to succeed as a Leader.

Only you can change the results in your business and In your life.

It’s time to make millions, Live a life of luxury, work smarter not harder, have more time with family and friends and most importantly feel HAPPY!

No more running around feeling stressed, overwhelmed and anxious.

Make a decision and make a change.

Join us for the Mindful Leader Project Masterclass:

  • Find out what your money paradigm is.
  • Learn how we think and how this affects our actions and results.
  • Learn how to set a real goal and set one!
  • Find out how to stay on track and what you need to stay focused.
  • Lean the skills required to be a highly effective Leader
  • Find out how to impact others and ways to communicate effectively with teams/ stakeholders.

Click on the link below to join:

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